When Kev Met Bob - The Anthology Tour
Bob Evans
Tanks Art Centre tickets onsale Friday 25th August at 10am
For nearly 30 years, across four decades and multiple time zones, TWO MEN have been crafting songs on their guitars, separated by an invisible ocean of stylistic differences. One man preferred to plug in, the other man did not. One man preferred wine, the other man did not. One man enjoyed the company of friends, the other man preferred the company of none but himself.
For the first time in history, Kevin Mitchell (Jebediah) and Bob Evans join hearts and hands and finally become one live and on stage!
WHEN KEV MET BOB - The Anthology Tour
From the teenage dreams of Jebediah through to the dreaming of his teens Bob Evans, this is a show that will celebrate all the hits and memories from 1995 through to 2021.
When Kev Met Bob promises to be a veritable jangle-pop time machine filled with rarely played classics and accompanied by hazily remembered tales of mis-spent youth.
So jump on board! We can't wait to take you there!